Celtique Energie operates a Management System that embodies Health, Safety and the Environment (HSE) and Social Responsibility principles. This System defines the aims and objectives to be met by Celtique Energie, its subsidiaries, affiliates, associates and operated joint ventures (hereinafter collectively referred to as Celtique) in the management of HSE.
The Policy of Celtique is to be fully accountable for the necessary practices, procedures and means being in place so as to ensure that each HSE aim and objective is demonstrated in full and that continuous improvement practices are operating to ensure that the required practices, procedures and means are being monitored, refined and optimised as necessary. The Board will accordingly review and report regularly to external stakeholders as to the achievement of this Policy.
In accordance with this Policy, the Executive Directors of Celtique are directly and collectively responsible to the Board for demonstrating that the HSE aims and objectives are attained throughout Celtique.
1. Policy & Leadership
Celtique shall manage all operations in a manner that protects the environment and the health and safety of employees, third parties, and the community.The Executive Directors provide the vision, establish the framework, set the objectives and provide the resources for responsible management of Celtique’s operations. Leadership and visible commitment to continuous improvement are critical elements of successful operations.
2. Continuous Improvement
A process that measures performance relative to Policy Aims & Objectives is essential to improving performance. Sharing best practices and learning from each other promotes improvement.
3. Business Controls & Risk Management
Effective business controls ensure the prevention, control and mitigation of threats and hazards to business stewardship. Risk identification, assessment and prioritisation can reduce risk and mitigate hazards to employees, third parties, the community and the environment. Management of risk is a continuous process.
4. Personnel & Communication
Safe, environmentally sound operations rely on well-trained motivated people. Careful selection, placement, training, development and assessment of employees, and clear communication and understanding of responsibilities are critical to achieving operating excellence.
5. Project Management
The use of internationally recognised standards, procedures and specifications for design, construction, commissioning, modifications and decommissioning activities is essential for achieving operating excellence.
6. Operations
Operations within recognised and prudent parameters are essential to achieving clear operating excellence. This requires operating, inspection and maintenance procedures, and information on the processes, facilities and materials handled, together with systems to ensure that such procedures have been properly communicated and understood.
Adhering to established safe work practices, evaluating and managing change, and providing up-to-date procedures to manage safety and health risks contribute to a safe workplace for employees and third parties. The minimisation of environmental risks and liabilities are integral parts of our operations.
7. Contractors & Suppliers
Third parties who provide materials and services (personnel and equipment) or operate facilities on Celtique’s behalf have an impact on HSE excellence. It is essential that third-party services are provided in a manner consistent with Celtique’s HSE Policy & Management System Guidelines.
8. Legal Requirements
Compliance with regulatory requirements and company guidelines must be periodically measured and verified as part of the continuous improvement process.
9. Emergency Preparedness
Preparedness and planning for emergencies are essential to ensuring that all necessary actions are taken if an incident occurs, to protect employees, third parties, the public, the environment, the assets and brand of Celtique.
10. Incident Reporting & Investigation
Effective reporting, incident investigation, communication and lessons learned are essential to attaining and improving performance.
11. Community & Stakeholder Relations
Open and honest communication with the communities, authorities and stakeholders with which Celtique operates builds confidence and trust in the integrity of Celtique
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Celtique Energie Ltd
Celtique Energie Petroleum Ltd
76-78 Charlotte Street
London W1T 4QS
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 20 7255 6100
Fax: +44 20 7255 6110
[email protected]